Innovation District Skills Alliance (IDSA)
The Innovation District Skills Alliance creates career pathways for high-barrier residents from neighborhoods surrounding Oakland, such as the Hill District, Hazelwood, and Homewood, to support inclusive growth of the Pittsburgh Innovation District.
By training participants directly in the skills needed for a selected position and providing them with supportive services, graduates of this program are connected with lucrative positions within local universities and companies. Uniting job-seekers with university work can be transformative by providing family-sustaining wages, benefits, and union opportunities.
The Innovation District Skills Alliance is a new program created by InnovatePGH, Jewish Family and Community Services, local universities, and philanthropic partners.
Now Recruiting for:
University of Pittsburgh’s Security Guard Program
3-week training course starting May 6th, 2024 through May 24th, 2024 | Monday – Friday; hybrid with virtual, in-person, and self-guided sessions.
Application Deadline | April 19th, 2024, at Noon
Program Includes:
- Targeted job-readiness training
- Opportunity to interview for a Security Guard position (overnight/swing shift to start) with the University of Pittsburgh
- Chromebook
- Stipend and gift cards during participation
- HS diploma or equivalent (GED/HiSET)
- Unemployed or underemployed
- Ability to commit to a 3-week training period, M-F, 9am-3pm
- Security and/or customer service experience is highly valued
You should
apply if:
- You want to jumpstart your career in the security field and/or law enforcement
- You’re interested in a stable career path to increase your wages and benefits
- You’re a motivated individual looking to serve your community
The Hiring Process for the University of Pittsburgh’s Security Guard Program will include the following:
- Comprehensive Drug Screening
- Physical Examination
- Tuberculosis (TB) Testing
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Screening
- Comprehensive Background Check

Program Details
Who can apply?
Anyone can apply. Potential trainees are screened for their interest in the position and ability to complete the programming. Each position will detail the experiences or academic degrees needed for a successful applicant. Most positions will not need an advanced degree.
How does the programming work?
Those who are selected will be placed in a small cohort of learners where they will take courses five days a week to prepare them for a specific career at a local university. Each cohort will be trained exclusively for one position which will be clearly advertised and described in the application. The opportunities can range in industry but all jobs are screened for salary.
If I am selected, what support can I expect?
Applicants will be selected after an interview with IDSA to see if they are a good match for the goals of the program. If selected to participate, programming will start within weeks. Participants will meet with partners to access what barriers they may have to employment and how Participants are paid a total stipend of $600.00 for an accelerated program training program which can range from three week to six weeks. Participants are also given additional support as needed, such as transportation stipends, computers and hot spots which will be theirs after the completion of the program. Training programs will be either virtual or hybrid depending on overall public health concerns.
How can I apply?
To apply for the current cohort, please click here to complete an application. Watch this space for future program offerings and follow our social media platforms to see when the next cohort will be accepting applications.